An important legal action that has been initiated on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Case number DOMHCV2024/0181 was filed in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, High Court of Justice, in the Commonwealth of Dominica on September 4, 2024.…
African leaders who have taken steps to promote visa-free travel within the continent have been commended for their efforts to promote unity and economic growth.
SYNOPSIS OF CASE: At the Magistrate’s court, the Respondents, members of the United Workers’ Party began proceedings against the Appellants, members of the Dominica Labour Party led by the Hon Mr Roosevelt Skerrit, for “treating.” According to the law, the following persons are…
Never in our history has the truth been so bluntly put before us in layman’s terms so that we may so easily decipher the intent of men. Let us see the words of the leader of our government whose job is to…
As the US government partial shutdown approaches one month, the longest in American history, we have to assess what impact it is having on the Caribbean region. Of the eight hundred thousand (800,000) federal workers who are not receiving a paycheck, how…
The resolution enjoyed favorable votes from 191 of the 193 UN Member States. The United States and Israel opposed the text…
No matter what current headlines are used to the catch attention of audiences, usually in essence the following text in the article or comments depict several things that indicate that there is an unhealthy atmosphere in Dominica. Unhealthy for our country and…
Time for Positive and Responsible Leadership “No One can fix a flat tire while sitting in the Vehicle” When the individuals which form a government accepts the responsibility to manage a country, the expectation of the citizens is that the policies implemented…